Monday, January 19, 2009

Red White & Blue

I have never been one to watch politics but I am glued to my TV over the inauguration. It's history in the making. I would think to be president would be the most exciting thing and scariest you have the weight of the world on your back. I can barley deal with the weight of family.The news reporters are funny they talk about everything right down to how many minuets the president and first lady walked in the parade today the first time was 8 minuets and the second time 7 minuets. That cracks me up. Makes you wounder will that be in a history book for our children to read, will they be tested on that? At least I feel better knowing I will able to answer the question. What's it like to be the president? Living in the White House would have to be pretty cool. I would have to run around and jump for joy just for being in it's presents. If those walls could talk, Right! I have never really traveled, I keep a list of places I want my children to see. I want them to live a full life of adventure, experience and gain knowledge from it. The White House is on my list of places for them to see.

Something nice to know The first lady has said that military families are going to be her first priority, Thank God. Those poor families need some help. Being a wife to a retired military man is no easy task. Even though I didn't go through the tears and sleepless nights while my husband was on the front line, I dealt with the after math of getting him home. I met my husband after he was injured in Iraq. You have a completely different language to learn and no it's not just the time. I had no clue what rank or unit meant. Even though I am not a military wife technically, the first thing you learn when you have a husband that's served in war is that you become one. The war for the guys never goes away they have to live with scares for the rest of their lives and you better find a way to handle the pressure of trying understand them. When they relive the war you relive the war with them you are their support. I cried the first time my husband broke down and told me what he went through. He's my hero.

Back tracking a little My husband and I met on an airplane and his arm was in this brace thing. I gave him my number before I got off the plane for my layover. Thinking he would never call. He did and we spent the next four months on the phone talking and then he came to see me and we fell in love. The next month he proposed and I said YES! We have been married for 3 years now. That was by far the best plane ride in my life.

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