Tuesday, January 13, 2009

From The Beginning

I've been working on starting a blog for sometime now and it's died midway through every time. I love knitting even though I can crochet I feel I follow the patterns of knitter better. I have a bad habit working on any project that requires me to follow a pattern I tend to create my own pattern after the fourth row of purls. Then I end up with this funky purse or scarf that looks a little odd.

Having two children makes anything more complicated. Going to the grocery store, putting the mail in the mail box, reading a book, knitting and having to follow a pattern(that's probably why my purse is lopsided), just about anything I do I must learn to do with one hand, and not having to pay attention to it. Knitting is a challenge. When the kids take a nap I go into turbo speed, I do it all in a hour clean, read, knit, quiet time, shower,eat, and sneak a glass of wine in if it's been a bad day. By bad day I am talking about those days when nothing makes your 2yr old and 9 mo old happy or stop crying.

I learned how to knit and crochet from my mom who at times lacked patience. My mom has been a very crafty person ever since I can remember. She always knitted and crochet, but ventured out and taught me how to make soaps, bath salts, oils, candles, and many other things I don't think there is anything out there she hasn't tried to make. My mom is my knitting guru.

Recently I moved away from California, I moved away from what I've known for years, my familiar areas, family and friends. Now living in Arizona I am learning California people have nothing on these people. I blame the heat for their meanness or maybe it's because there isn't much to do here and no one can escape the desert. California was perfect in my opinion you could drive an hour and be somewhere completely different almost like being on a vacation, my husband disagrees. He couldn't wait to get away from California, but that's because where he was raised it's completely different. A small town setting where everyone is nice and everyone knows your name. I am familiar with the small town living my hometown was only an hour away from his, but I moved to California when I was 10 years old so I adjusted to my surroundings easier. He never did. So when things got tough in the mortgage industry and I was looking at losing my job soon as a escrow processor I was thinking maybe we should get out before things get too bad. Not so lucky I was pregnant and just my luck my son came earlier, my husband lost his job before me, and our mortgage was way too much. So two months after my son was born we moved.

So here I am in Tucson unfamiliar with anything or anyone starting over. This is my new beginning.

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