Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My New Oops

So I did pick up the needles and yarn again.. what can I say I can't help myself. I started a new poncho pattern for my daughter and yup made an oops. But hey I think it turned out pretty cool looking.

After I finished my poncho I went outside to freeze and read my book. The only place that gives me chance to hear my own thoughts, that was until an ambulance went by. It's odd how sounds take you back to a time and place. For me it was when my mom and I first moved to California. I was 10 and we lived in Burbank. The only place we could afford was this hotel type house. The place was furnished and it wasn't in the greatest neighborhood. Sirens going off was the norm. When it was cold and we couldn't afford heat my mom would heat the hair rollers and put them in my bed. Our dinner would be mac'n cheese or my favorite tuna casserole. The stress at 10 years old had gotten to me knowing we had no money and had not paid rent for three months. I spilt my cup of milk on the floor and just sat down and cried. My mom did her best to hide the situation and be positive but I knew otherwise. So we both sat there and cried together. That next day after school my mom picked me with our car loaded with all our belongings. No place to go and no money, this wasn't the first time we had to sleep in our car. We ate off a gas card from Chevron my grandparents loaned my mom. She had too much pride to tell them of our homeless situation. We slept in our car for a few days until a friend offered us a room in their home. When think back to those days it makes me sad. Life does throw those curve balls.

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