Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Just A Thought

Last night I watch the President Address and really wish I could offer my thoughts to the President. Congress should be laid off and then maybe they would move a little faster.Everyday I search the classifieds and find that my background doesn't hold a job. No degree and, even though I have tried to use financial aid to return to college just for certification I can't afford the cost that is not covered. I wish there was some way I could go back to school. Tucson has a limited supply of work. So I am looking at having to separate from my husband and travel else where to find a job. For how long though? It could be a month or even a year that my family will be torn apart. I know you do what you have to so you can make ends meet but I am hating this idea.Kick congress out and put everyday people in there, put people in who have nothing left, no money, no job, home taken away then you will see results. People are so desperate that more home invasions are happening. I am so afraid that I have planned out what I would do if this happened to me. I don't answer the door, I take the long way home and I pray every night to please keep us safe.

This guy my husband used to work with keeps showing up at our house asking us if he can borrower money. We can't pay our own bills and don't know if we will electricity next month you kidding me. The guy got fired because he fell on the job and got hurt, they claim he was drunk. He sent my husband a message last night, that he went to jail and his dad bailed him out. But he needs to pay his dad back and, since he promised his girlfriend he would fly her mom out he needs money for a plane ticket too. WOW!! This guy worries me. When I asked my husband why this guy knows where we live he said he told all the guys just in case anything ever happened to him.

It is the downward spiral and I am hoping that some relief for our family comes our way. There are people who are by far worse off than us. How do you save the world? I can't help but be emotional about the situation.

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