Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Chapters

I was thinking last night about the chapters of my life that would be put into a book.

Chapter 1* Born, Not much there to remember so we will move on.

Chapter 2* Aww the the toddler years crawling walking saying goo goo gaa gaa

Chapter 3* Elementary school, making life long Friends and then moving from a small town to a huge city life.

Chapter 4* Junior high, totally lost as a small town girl, living up to expectations that a manger,agent, and family can put on you. Missing a lot school and not making many friends but working on set a lot.

Chapter 5* High school,Freshman & Sophomore cheerleader,I finally get the hang of things,I made some great friends. Then Junior year fall into a rabbit hole and by senior year with the grace of god live through it and graduate.

Chapter 6* Early 20's, Trying to answer that pressing question of what I will do with my life. Learning who I am and seeing I would rather just hang out with friends. Changing jobs like I change my underwear.Meeting all the wrong men and falling apart. Not understanding that my actions would affect my future.

Chapter 7* Mid 20's, Still trying to figure out what my career choice will be, Meeting the right man, getting married, and having our baby girl. Moving around to find the right home and ending with buying what I thought was our dream we would have forever. Communication is key in any marriage, trying to make a plan for our future.

Chapter 8* Late 20's, Our baby boy was born, thought we had it all jobs, cars, vacations, and then the rug was pulled from under us losing it all. Moving to another state starting over again and trying to hold on to what we had left. The trial of my life had taken a drastic turn and the changes I had to go through quickly put me in a state of lock down. After faith,prayer and determination we have finally started to get our ducks in a row and are trying to move on without our luxury life style.

Chapter 9* 30's, To be continued until next year.

That's it in a nut shell. It is so interesting to look back and see what you should of or could have done to change things. The only steady thing in my life was the support and endless love of my family and friends.I don't think I would be the person I am with that.

On another topic I start my PCT class tonight and good news I got a call about a JOB! I know OMG! right. I am so happy and I hope this is just the beginning of great things to come. Meanwhile my new schedule is going to limit me from my knitting, but I can live with that. I still have two purse's to felt and some unfinished projects to work on. I think today I am going to start another purse. I hope to have pics up by next week.

Well I am off. Happy Knitting everyone and God Bless.

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